Herpes Cut Pictures Help Me Please!?

Help me please!? - herpes cut pictures

Ok so I've asked myself,
I went to the emergency room two days ago because I severe pain in my vagina. It all started on Monday. I went to the emergency room and learned he had urethritis. gave me cephalexin and went home. I took cephalexin that ever worked for something. I also have this style in the back of my vagina, as the bridge between the vagina and anus. started small and now that the raw materials. This could be the way it is hot here and my use of seat belts and possibly rub. Then I started this rash on my vagina and down to develop the anus. I read that sometimes causes Herpes urethritis. Wounds were nothing like the pictures of herpes, but the signs and symptoms correspond fairly closely. I have a history of folliculitis on the legs and back and have had many urinary tract infections in the back. Apart from just swimming in a lake and a river a week ago. could only become infected? Also on Thursday, was my first appointment had last hadnt Gynecology and no problemEMS with anything until after the visit. My friend and I are together for a year and a half, and we had unprotected sex several times. 2 years ago, has been tested for all sexually transmitted diseases and illnesses, and everything was negative. he never had any injuries or symptoms of herpes.

literally came from nowhere! The doctor took a culture of the court and said it could herpes. im scared. put me on Valtrex and I had brought the Nupercainal ointment on my skin rash or something. was now 3 days and my urethra is not as painful, but the rash gives me some unease when I pee.

Please help.
All comments are welcome.

I have pictures of the eruption, if it helps.


themegme... said...

If the doctor said it could be herpes, then it could be herpes. Wait until the lab results back was removed from the sponge. It will then know in a position to meet more effectively, what's behind.

Belt Up to this point no longer use! They will only irritate. Use loose or loose cotton underwear or none. Do not wear tight pants. Keep it clean down there. Wash (careful!) Every time you go to the toilet, but you use soap to irritate sensitive skin.

Try drinking lots and lots of water to remove bacteria from your urinary tract. Cranberry juice is very helpful. Avoid sugary drinks, such as crackers or stop completely. This helps in reducing the performance of your system for bacteria. Eat yogurt, but the nature of the sugar. Yogurt has good bacteria that cause in the fight against the species, the infection.

I hope some of this helps to heal faster. Good luck with the results of the doctor, I hope to return soon.

Suga said...

get a roll of toilet paper and use it to go directly to the urine to the toilet ... seriously! Make an appointment with your gynecologist and make sure to use the protection. Try not to touch on the area either.

miss loud said...

go to your gynecologist and see what it is !!!!!!!! U could be embarrassing if the court or go for a pee! Acid urine in the cup could ur so it is difficult to cure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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